Which medical visit is right for you?

Which therapeutic massage is right for you?

Extend your visit in our online course . . .
We now have an online opportunity to supplement your medical and massage visits!
Common Clinical Corrections
$30 for 90-day access
When you're told you have:
- and other diagnoses...
Do you understand what these words actually mean and/or how to resolve the issue?
In this online opportunity, Dr. Truax explains why terms often used by medical and alternative medical practitioners can cause confusion rather than clarity.
And when you're confused, it's difficult to comply with a course of care.
This results in lost time, wasted energy, and lots of worry.
This online venue will help you get further clarity so that you understand what to do and why to do it.
For Current Patients: Consider this an extension of your medical and massage visits with Dr. Truax and Colleen. You will better understand what Dr. Truax's advice is after absorbing the videos and materials.
For Prospective Patients: It's a helpful introduction to our clinic and how we approach the body as a unit where structure and function are interrelated and the body has self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms.
For Medical Professionals: You want what's best for your patient and to know that a referral to our clinic will be worth your patient's time. By joining us online, you'll have a better understanding of how Dr. Truax helps your patients think through their musculoskeletal issue with more physiological accuracy.
If you have any questions regarding this online venue, please call 440-600-2005.
Join THEY SAID for 90-day Access